April 10, 2010

Nil, nada, zilch

You hurt a lot because either you're too in love with the other, or too in love with yourself.

Camp is crap. Lousy superiors trying to prove their worth all the time at the expense of others.
Pride, discipline, honor takes a backseat to backstabbing, hypocrisy and laziness. There's not a single regular who has earnt my respect.
I can't imagine all my future hard-earn money going to taxes to pay for a bunch of slackers so that they are compensated for their "service" to our nation. This is bulls.

I'm suffering from post-holiday blues. How nice it would be to just go and not have to come back. Taiwan is so beautiful. The people, the scenery, the life. Even living under the threat of invasion and natural disasters has not fazed their appeitite for a fulfilling life.

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